When Should We Change Hydraulic Filters? HarvardFiltration

June 19, 2023

Are you considering a hydraulic filtration system for your operation? Or perhaps, you already have one but unsure when it’s best practice to change hydraulic filters? We will dive into what needs to be considered when determining the appropriate time and frequency of changes for your hydraulic oil filter.

We will look at factors such as condition-based monitoring, contamination levels in oil filtration systems, and other important considerations. To get ahead on hydraulic filtration system maintenance, let’s first discuss the importance to change hydraulic filters.

Your hydraulic filtration system is an integral part of your machinery and requires regular upkeep. But when should you change the filters within it? How do you determine if a filter needs to be changed based on its condition? What are the benefits of keeping up with regular filter maintenance? We’ll answer all these questions and more to provide novice and experienced operators alike a better understanding of their hydraulic filtration system’s requirements. Do check out our other blogs!

Many industries that use hydraulic filters include mining, construction, and agricultural equipment. These industries all have their own specific needs when it comes to hydraulic filters. According to the manufacturer’s specifications for each type of hydraulic filter and based on how often you expect to use your equipment, you should change your hydraulic filters.

Also, if you want to know when it is time to change your hydraulic filter, consider how much time passes when you last change your oil and how many miles per hour your vehicle travels on average each year. In some case, these two things are not known, then it may be best to consult with your local dealer or manufacturer before making any decisions about changing your filter.

When to Change Hydraulic Filters

The fundamentals of maintaining high quality operating performance revolve around utilizing an effective hydraulic filtration system. Many operations across industry rely on these machines to keep process fluid clean from particles that can damage bearings or generate significant heat in machinery components due to friction/abrasion wear.

But simply installing a hydraulic oil filter isn’t enough; proper maintenance is key! Not only must its working condition be assessed regularly but more importantly knowing WHEN TO CHANGE HYDRAULIC FILTERS is essential.

Ever wonder when you should change your hydraulic oil filter? It’s a good question. And the answer is: not often. Know about a few reasons why you might want to change your hydraulic oil filter, and they’re all pretty good reasons: 1) you’ve run a lot of water through your machine and it doesn’t seem to be cutting through it like it used to (this could mean old or clogged oil); 2) there’s an oil leak.

Do You Need Help To Change Hydraulic Filters?

Changing hydraulic filters is a regular maintenance task that you should do on a regular basis. This is because hydraulic filters protect your engine from contamination and wear, which can cause problems if they are not changed regularly.

When you change hydraulic filters, they will remove dirt and other contaminants from the oil in your engine. This prevents the contaminants from entering your engine and causing damage.


With advancements in technology, today’s hydraulic oil filters have become much more efficient at sifting out particles from your oil. Depending on what type of fluid flow requirements you have for cleaning different types of contaminants can determine how frequently or often filters may need to change.

Additionally, there are several factors that must consider before deciding when it is time to change hydraulic filter. It may seem like an unnecessary task that does not benefit production. However, there are many advantages that users can enjoy by performing proper maintenance with regards to changing hydraulic filters regularly as needed. For more information about hydraulic filters, you can contact us our Harvard Filtration experts for help.

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