September 10, 2019
Progressive companies’ maintenance departments have gone through radical advancements and changes over the past few years. If you perform maintenance on your plant equipment just like the way you were performing 10 years ago, you should consider updating your maintenance processes. While increasing raw material and energy costs force companies to reduce their overall operating costs, it has become hard for companies to remain competitive without increasing plant availability and reliability. The growing global economy makes organizations jump into implementing modern maintenance solutions. If done right, these solutions generate immediate returns on investment. It is reported that, in many cases, new maintenance technologies fail to produce the desired results. Maintenance and oil lubrication experts have been helping companies receive benefits of implementing effective lubrication programs. Equipment reliability is one of the benefits you can get by paying due attention to your lubrication strategy. Improved risk-safety, energy efficiency, reduction in operating costs and plant availability gains are also notable benefits of investing in relevant and efficient lubrication technologies. Despite the awareness and availability of cost-effective maintenance tools like filters and filtration systems, many companies remain reluctant to understand the paramount significance of an effective lubrication program which involves 5 ‘Rs’: the right product, the right location, the right amount, at the right time, and by the right professional. Apart from 5 ‘Rs’, ensuring oil cleanliness is a critical factor that plays a decisive role in the success or failure of a lubrication program. To effectively implement lubricant-related activities within your facility, take lubrication as an integral business process. You can’t separate maintenance from other business tasks and treat them as an extra task. In other words, make maintenance an inseparable part of your work culture. Performing a review to enhance the effect of developing and integrating controlled maintenance activities within your plant can dramatically improve your operational efficiency. Here is what you need to review: